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Cool Living

ed. Hot Dry


Why focus on 'Cool Living'?

  • Houses in communities don't work well in the heat. They heat up and stay hot.

  • Climate change means it is only going to get hotter.

  • Being in a house that is too hot can be bad for your health 

  • Houses can be fixed to make them cooler without a power card

  • Yards are also important to make work well especially if family are visiting.

Add in community houses image 

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“CSIRO modeling estimates that without climate action, Darwin would experience a rise in days above 350C, from 22.2 days/yr to 132 days/yr in 2030 and 275 days/yr in 2070. “ 

Life in summer in a low functioning community house...

How a house fails to keep people cool in a two bedroom house, serving 2 families with 10 people.

The house is a concrete block house on a concrete slab. There is a fan inside in the ‘living room’ and a window air-conditioner in one of the bedrooms. The front door closes well, but there is an extension cord running outside for the family visiting. The windows don’t close or open very well, some have cracked glass and others a frozen closed or boarded over. 

There is a verandah on the south side of the house, facing the street. To the north, east and west the summer sun hits the concrete slab outside and the concrete block walls all day long and heats them up. In the night time, the breeze is cool, but the house radiates heat inside all night long, the air-conditioned makes the inside a bit cooler, but not enough for everyone to sleep well inside. 

It is cooler outside under the big tree in the yard. Against the fence the family have built a bough shade to create more shade from the sun so everyone can sit in the shade. The power cord runs a fan to help move air across the people to help keep them cool and the hose helps to water down the ground to grow grass and kids play in it to help keep cool.
Everyone prefers to sleep outside under the tree. Because the ground is in shade through the day, heat doesn’t radiate through the night. The fan is kept going in the night time to help the kids sleep so they can go to school every day and learn without being tired.

Question - How many people in your house were cool enough to sleep all night long?

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